Armatura Access Control System:
Comprehensive GDPR Compliance Across All Components


In an increasingly connected world, ensuring data privacy and security is crucial for any technology solution. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes the standard for data privacy within the European Union (EU) and has a global impact on organizations that manage the personal data of EU citizens. The Armatura Access Control System, an all-encompassing solution with software, hardware, mobile applications, cloud platforms, and biometric technology, is fully compliant with GDPR standards. This essay will delve into how each component of the system adheres to GDPR requirements, guaranteeing the highest level of data protection for users.

Software Compliance with GDPR


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Hardware Compliance with GDPR

The hardware components of the Armatura Access Control System are specifically designed to offer secure physical access control while adhering to GDPR requirements. All devices employed in the system are constructed with tamper-resistant materials and components, effectively preventing unauthorised access and potential data breaches. The hardware securely stores and processes personal data, employing encryption and secure data storage methods such as hardware security modules (HSMs) for added protection.

Cloud Platform Compliance with GDPR

The Armatura Access Control System leverages a cloud platform for storing and processing personal data, making GDPR compliance of the utmost importance. The cloud platform is designed to adhere to GDPR requirements by implementing strict access controls, data encryption, and secure data storage techniques. Furthermore, Armatura ensures that its cloud platform provider complies with GDPR through contractual agreements, ensuring that personal data is processed and stored in a secure and compliant manner.


Biometric Technology Compliance with GDPR

As a critical component of the Access Control System, Armatura's biometric technology must adhere to GDPR requirements, particularly since biometric data is categorized as a special category of personal data under Article 9 of the GDPR. Armatura's biometric algorithms employ data minimization techniques, ensuring that only necessary data is collected, processed, and stored. The biometric data is encrypted and securely stored on the hardware devices and within the cloud platform to prevent unauthorised access.

Armatura implements a comprehensive data protection impact assessment (DPIA) to identify and address potential risks associated with the processing of biometric data, as required by Article 35 of the GDPR. Additionally, the biometric technology incorporates privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) to reduce the risk of unauthorised access or misuse of biometric data. For instance, Armatura employs template protection techniques, such as biometric encryption and secure multi-party computation, to ensure that biometric data cannot be reverse-engineered or linked to a specific individual.

Moreover, Armatura's biometric technology includes mechanisms for obtaining user consent before collecting and processing biometric data, in accordance with Article 6 of the GDPR. Users are provided with clear information about the purpose and nature of biometric data processing, as well as their rights under the GDPR. The biometric technology also supports data portability, allowing users to transfer their biometric data between different devices and systems, as mandated by Article 20 of the GDPR.


In conclusion, the Armatura Access Control System demonstrates full compliance with GDPR standards across all of its components, including software, hardware, mobile applications, cloud platforms, and biometric technology. By adhering to these rigorous data protection requirements, Armatura provides users with a secure, reliable, and privacy-focused access control solution that meets the highest standards of data privacy in the EU and beyond. Through continuous monitoring and improvement of its GDPR compliance measures, Armatura remains at the forefront of access control technology, ensuring the protection of personal data and the privacy of its users.